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Retrieve Search Results

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Simple Queries

Only searches with at least one term in the query fields are valid. All the other fields are optional.

To limit the maximum number of results search.max_results can be set to any positive integer.

The simplest possible search request has following form:

json { "search": { "query": { "terms": "your query here..." } } }

In the above example all the terms specified in terms will be combined with AND.

To combine the terms with different boolean operators the search you can extend the search with arbitrary additional terms.

json { "search": { "query": { "terms": "find this ...", "additions": [ { "connector": "or", "terms": "... or that ..." }, { "connector": "and_not", "terms": "... but not that" } ] } } }

Evaluation order of boolean operators

  1. First all terms fields are evaluated with AND in isolation.
  2. The results will then be combined by the specified connector and evaluated in the following order:
    • AND_NOT
    • AND
    • OR

Filtered Queries

Up until now the queries can be filtered by speaker or affiliation.

If several filters with same criteria are specified they're combined by OR, while the entire set resulting from all filters of same type will by combined by AND with the actually specified query results.

json { "search": { "query": { "terms": "some search" }, "filter": [ { "criteria": "affiliation", "value": "SPD" }, { "criteria": "affiliation", "value": "Die Linke" }, { "criteria": "speaker", "value": "Peter Lustig" } ] } }

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