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Get started

$ git clone
$ cd fulltext-search

$ sbt run

Configure the App

The application configuration can be specified in src/main/resources/application.conf in HOCON notation. It's also possible to override the application.conf by java system properties or environment variables.

Environment variables need to be prefixed by CONFIG_FORCE_ except if there is an env-alias specified for the property.

They will be evaluated in following order (starting from the highest priority):

  1. Environment variable: export CONFIG_FORCE_SERVER_HOST=""
    • This actually doesn't work! - use env-alias if defined
  2. Java system property as argument: sbt '; set javaOptions += """"; run'
  3. application.conf: server { host = }

Configuration properties

identifier description env-alias default
server.port HTTP port of the service HTTP_PORT 8421 Host of the service SERVER_HOST
server.log-body Enables server logging of response bodies SERVER_LOG_BODY true Storage policy for the inverted index INDEX_STORAGE_POLICY local
index.stop-words-location File name of the stopwords resource - stopwords_de.txt
index.sample-speeches-location File name of the sample speeches resource - sample_speeches.json
index.insert-sample-speeches Inserts sample speeches on startup when set - false
index.distribution-interval Interval for scanning and distributing the cached index in ms INDEX_DISTRIBUTION_INTERVAL 120000
index.distribution-chunk-size Size of each concurrently processed chunk of the cached index INDEX_DISTRIBUTION_CHUNK_SIZE 100
index.insertion-ttl Amount of retries for the insertion of single index entry INDEX_INSERTION_TTL 5
search.cache-size Size of cache for search results SEARCH_CACHE_SIZE 5
peers.uri Entrypoint to the P2P network - http://localhost:8090/
peers.log-body Enables client logging of response bodies PEERS_LOG_BODY true
peers.max-wait-queue-limit Max wait queue limit for requests to peers PEERS_MAX_WAIT_QUEUE_LIMIT 1024

Index Storage Policies

The application can be started with three different storage policies. They work as follows:

  • local
    • Indexing and retrieval are both done locally in memory on the host machine.
  • distributed
    • Indexing and retrieval are handled by calling the P2P network directly.
    • ⚠️ Using this option, the index request is blocked until all entries are distributed to the P2P network. This can possibly take a long while. Therefore, an appropriate timeout should be set on the calling machine.
  • lazy-distributed
    • Indexing is done by first storing the index in a local cache and then distributing it on a background thread.
    • The interval for scanning the cached index can be configured with the option index.distribution-interval

Run tests

$ sbt test
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